Psoriasis is a long term (chronic) skin condition in which the lifecycle of the skin cells is speeded up. These extra cells pile up on the top of the skin and form scaly, red patches. Psoriasis patients often experience bouts of the disease and at other times they might not have any skin issues.

Why does it happen?

Psoriasis is mostly thought to be an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system starts attacking its own cells. It tends to run in families. Most people also experience some triggers that aggravates their condition. These might be infections, skin injuries, stress, smoking, alcohol or some medicines like some psychiatry drugs like lithium, anti-malarial and high blood pressure medicines like beta blockers.

Symptoms and signs

What it looks like- Mostly psoriasis patients develop reddish, raised areas on the skin which is covered with silvery scales. These might be itchy or even painful. These can be on any part of the body. Psoriasis can affect the nails too, causing discoloration and even separation of the nail from the nail bed.


How to manage and treat it- Psoriasis is not curable, but with the right treatment it can be kept under control. Once the doctor diagnoses the condition, sometimes with the help of a biopsy, the correct treatment can be decided depending on how severe the condition is.

Mild cases– For mild conditions with just a few areas affected, the doctor might prescribe just a corticosteroid cream to be applied on the affected areas. It’s best to use these creams under medical supervision as long term use of steroids can cause thinning of the skin. Other ingredients that are commonly used are a synthetic form of vitamin D, coal tar, anthralin or synthetic vitamin A creams. Most of these creams can cause some skin irritation and sensitivity and some are not safe for use in pregnancy, so do consult your doctor before use, and remember to use a sunscreen regularly.

Moderate cases– If the steroid creams are ineffective, phototherapy might be advised. This involves exposing the skin to controlled amounts of UV rays from sunlight or an artificial light source. The effect might be increased by using a drug, Psoralen, that increases sensitivity to light.

Severe cases– For severe cases, your doctor might prescribe oral or injected drugs. These could be synthetic vitamin A drugs (retinoids), methotrexate or cyclosporine. These drugs help to reduce the skin cell turnover time and also suppress the body’s immune system. Since there can be many side effects like liver damage and reduced blood cell levels, these drugs are always meant to be taken under your doctor’s supervision.

Dos and Don’ts

  • Moisturizing the skin regularly helps in keeping the excess dryness under control.
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking and excess caffeine as these can trigger a breakout.
  • Some supplements like omega 3 and aloe vera might help to prevent severe lesions.
  • Bathing daily with a mild soap and exposing yourself to small amounts of sunlight regularly also helps to keep the condition under control.


  • Does the sun affect psoriasis?

Small amounts of sunlight can help psoriasis.

  • Can people with psoriasis use hair dye and makeup-?

It’s best to do a sensitivity test before using these products and use non comedogenic products.

  • Is psoriasis contagious?

No, it is not contagious.

We strongly recommend that you consult your doctor before starting any treatment regime.

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Pediculosis or lice infestation is something, I think, each one of us has grappled with. Commonly, it’s seen in school kids who tend to pick it up from their ‘near and dear’ friends!

How to recognize it?

Lice are small, dark brown or black parasites that tend to occur on hairy parts of the body, basically the scalp. They feed on the blood and lay their eggs, called nits, which are whitish and tend to stick to the hair. Lice tend to spread to close contacts, but they don’t hop and fly. There are certain types of lice, called pubic lice, that are considered a sexually transmitted disease.

Signs and symptoms

Lice infestation causes itching in the scalp. Sometimes, one can spot a louse in the comb or even see the nits sticking to the hair. Kids often complain of a feeling of something moving in their scalp. There might also be some sore areas.

How to treat lice?

The challenge with treating lice is that the lice might also be in the items of personal use, like hats, scarves, towels. So, one has to treat these as well as the actual patient. Medscape recommends washing these items in hot water for more than 5 minutes at a temperature of more than 53.5 degrees centigrade. 

For the actual treatment of the lice, these days easy use shampoos are available which contain ingredients like permethrin or permethrin in a 1% strength. These are meant to be applied, left for a few minutes and then washed off. The treatment needs to be repeated a couple of times at two-weekly intervals as the treatment doesn’t act on the nits.

Dos and Don’ts

  • Avoid sharing combs and towels
  • Washing of bed linen in hot water can help in preventing the recurrence of the issue
  • It’s a good idea to check everyone in the family for lice. It’s, in fact, a good idea to treat all the family members for lice.
  • Don’t send a child with head lice to school as it could cause it to spread to the other children.


  • How long does it take to get lice after being exposed?

It can take from 10 days to two weeks to develop lice after being exposed.

  • How long does it take to get rid of lice?

Since the treatments for lice don’t act on the eggs, that is the nits, the treatment has to be continued till all the nits have hatched. Generally, two or three treatments every two weeks work well to get rid of the problem.

  • How does head lice spread?

Lice can’t fly, they spread by crawling from one hair to another. Any time your hair touches hair with lice, you are at risk of getting lice.

  • Can head lice go away on their own?

Lice tend to go on multiplying via the nits. Without treatment they can spread to affect all members of the family.

Though lice are a common problem, it can be quite bothersome. But with the correct treatment for the recommended duration, it can be easily dealt with.

We strongly recommend that you consult your doctor before starting any treatment regime.

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Dandruff is a skin condition, affecting mainly the scalp, in which there is a lot of shedding of the top layer of the skin in the form of flakes along with itching of the scalp. The flakes are fragments of the top layer of the skin.

Why does it happen?

The exact cause of dandruff is not clear.  It might be due      to a mild fungal infection and might run in families. It tends to get aggravated in people with an oily scalp and also in winter. Stress can also be a trigger.

What does it look like?

An itchy scalp and silvery flakes are typical of dandruff.

How is it treated?

Your doctor will examine your scalp and might even examine a skin scraping under the microscope to diagnose dandruff. The doctor might prescribe the use of a medicated shampoo which contains ingredients like ketoconazole which is an antifungal medicine. Other ingredients include zinc pyrithione, which slows down the fungal growth, and selenium disulfide, which reduces the oiliness of the scalp. These shampoos are meant to be used once or twice a week, left on the scalp for a few minutes and washed off. Once the condition is controlled, some form of maintenance treatment might be needed by shampooing a few times a month with an anti-dandruff shampoo.    

Dos and Don’ts

  • Regular shampooing helps to keep the scalp clean and prevent excess oiliness.
  • Avoid sharing towels and combs.
  • Have a well-balanced diet with fresh fruits, nuts and green leafy vegetables as these provide elements essential for healthy skin and hair, like zinc, B vitamins and healthy fats.
  • Meditation and yoga help to keep stress under control.
  • Avoid scratching your scalp as this can lead to infection of the area.


  • Can dandruff cause baldness?

Dandruff per se does not cause hair fall, but an itchy and irritated scalp can result in temporary hair fall due to scratching.

  • Can dandruff be cured with hot baths?

No, hot baths can only help in controlling scalp oiliness. A medicated ant-dandruff shampoo will be needed to keep the dandruff under control.

  • Is dandruff contagious?

Since a fungal infection plays a role in causing dandruff, it can spread by sharing items of personal hygiene.

  • Is dandruff caused due to dry skin?

Dandruff has no relation with dry skin. In fact, an oily scalp can increase the chances of dandruff.

Though dandruff can be an irritating and, sometimes, socially embarrassing condition, it is easily manageable with the correct treatment.

We strongly recommend that you consult your doctor before starting any treatment regime.

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Melanoma is a type of skin cancer. It gets its name from the pigment producing cells of the skin, called melanocyte. Sometimes, these melanocytes get triggered to start replicating very rapidly and erratically and they are termed to have turned cancerous.

What are the causes for Melanoma?

Melanomas are most commonly caused by sun damage- the harmful ultraviolet sun rays damage the DNA of the cells. Melanomas can run in families and tends to be more common in people of Caucasian descent.

How to recognize Melanoma?

The most common way that people recognize melanomas is by seeing changes in a mole. Most melanomas tend to be brown but they can be pink, purple or even white.

It also helps to know some things that you need to keep a watch for

  • Asymmetry in a mole- Moles tend to be uniform in their shape. Any change in their shape would be a warning sign that needs to be checked.
  • Uneven border of a mole- Most moles are quite smooth to touch. But, if the edge feels rough or irregular, then it’s a significant change.
  • Any colour change in a mole is another warning sign and should be examined by a doctor.
  • Any bleeding or itching in a mole should be checked.
  • A sudden increase in the size of the mole is another warning sign.

If you notice any of these signs, a visit to your doctor is called for. Your doctor might recommend a skin biopsy in which a small piece of skin is removed and examined. In case required, a biopsy of lymph nodes, CT scans and other tests might also be advised.

If diagnosed early, most melanomas are easily cured by surgery which involves removing the affected part of the skin. If the cancer is more advanced, the surgery might also involve removing the lymph nodes in the surrounding area. In case of the cancer having spread to other parts of the body, immunotherapy or chemotherapy might be recommended. Immunotherapy involves energizing the body’s own immune system to fight the cancer. In chemotherapy, strong drugs are used to destroy the cancer causing cells.

Can I prevent Melanoma?

  • The commonest cause of melanomas is excess sun exposure. So, a few precautions, like using sunscreen with an SPF of 20-30 and a four or five star UVA protection can help. Reapplying sunscreen every 2-3 hours is also important.  Also, avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun, especially between 11 am and 3 pm, can actually help in preventing melanoma. It’s also advisable to avoid tanning rooms as these are also damaging.
  • Self-monitoring of moles can also help. By keeping the warnings signs in mind, any change in a mole can be checked immediately.

Just a few precautions and timely detection can help in keeping a check on melanomas.

 We strongly recommend that you consult your doctor before starting any treatment regime.

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Dental Health by famhealth

Teeth Whitening

Tooth whitening is a dental procedure of lightening the natural color of your teeth without harming the outer structure of tooth. This procedure cannot completely whiten the teeth but can make the teeth appear 2-3 shades lighter than the current shade.

Tooth whitening can be done to lighten the teeth which get stained by external or internal factors. External factors include drinking excessive amounts of tea, coffee or chewing tobacco. ‘Calculus’ or tartar can also lead to tooth discoloration. Consuming some antibiotics or cracks on tooth surface can also lead to tooth staining.

Tooth whitening is a professional bleaching is the most usual method of tooth whitening. This technique is performed by a dentist or can be done at home with the help of a tooth whitening trays or toothpastes. The ‘active ingredient’ in the product is usually hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. As the active ingredient breaks and releases oxygen which makes the teeth appears lighter and whiter than the existing shade.

The time required for a professional tooth bleaching can be within three to four weeks. Usually a dentist takes an impression of your teeth. Once the treatment has started your dentist may recommend you to continue treatment at home. Whitening product is applied over two to four weeks, for 30 minutes to one hour at a time. Some recently developed whitening products can be applied for eight hours at a time. This results in desired result in as little as one week.

 However, it is important that only those tooth whitening products should be consumed which are approved by American Dental Association. There are many fake tooth whitening products which are available in the market. Besides this tooth whitening should only be used for a stipulated period of time as recommended by your dentist.

There are many home whitening kits available, including paint-on whiteners and strips. How effective these are depends on the amount of whitening agent they contain.

Home kits are cheaper but they are not always assessed for safety and tend to be more acidic. So there is a chance that these products could damage your teeth and gums. Because tooth whitening is a complicated procedure we advise that you always talk to your dentist before starting the treatment.

Tooth whitening pastes which are commercially projected are more of hype and do not deliver the desired tooth whitening results. Tooth whitening pastes, stripes or trays recommended by a dentist are usually safe to use and deliver the desired whitening results.

One recently developed technique in teeth whitening is laser tooth whitening in which laser light is burnished on the teeth to activate the tooth lightening chemical. The advantage of laser light is that it activates the chemical at a much faster speed and hence delivers faster results.

Results of tooth whitening are thought to last up to three years. But it varies from one individual to other and also on other factors like how much care does one person takes care like if one refrains from smoking and maintains proper oral hygiene the effects of tooth whitening can last longer than expected.

Once the tooth whitening is done there are some essential steps which one must take so that the effects of whitening are retained for a longer period of time. Some easy steps are brush twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste, refrain from smoking and having sugary foods and drinks. Visit your dentist every six months for a checkup and if required then a professional tooth cleaning to remove tartar. Refrain from visiting a quak dentist for cheap dental treatment or tooth whitening as it may permanently damage your teeth.



Some common conditions that most people seem to grapple with at some time or the other, surely these might sound familiar as someone known to you might have faced something similar. Read on!

‘Zebra Skin!’

The bane of Asian skin tones, uneven skin tone, is a common fallout of sun exposure. Parts like the face and arms tend to be much darker than the rest of the body. These are the sun exposed areas of the body where the pigment melanin tends to increase and cause tanning.

  • I advise all my patients the regular use of a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30++, about 15 minutes before sun exposure.
  • It also helps if you cover up exposed parts with an umbrella or a scarf.
  • Many beauty salons offer de-tanning treatments which are basically bleaching treatments.
  • Regular use of home-based masks with lemon and tomato also helps as these are mild bleaching agents.

Too much shine!

Summer brings out the worst in oily skin… from the ‘oil-slick’ look to blocked pores and acne breakouts, oily girls bear the brunt of summer. This happens because the heat causes the pores of the oil glands to open up.

  • A simple solution is to use an oil control face wash in the oily area, leave it for a minute, and wash off. These face washes are easily available and ingredients like tea tree and salicylic acid might help to control oiliness. Products containing caffeine are said to help reduce pore size. 
  • Also, it might be necessary to use face products that are specifically meant for combination or oily skin. The drier parts of the face can simultaneously be treated with a moisturizer or even a lighter preparation like a gel. Heavy creams are best left for the dry winter months.
  • A lemon and chick pea face mask used once a week also helps to keep oily issues under control, as these are mild drying and peeling agents. lemon has natural fruit acids while chick pea has oil absorbing properties.

Ouch- it burns!   

Post shave burn tends to be a common complaint from the gentlemen. Regular shaving makes the skin dry and rough and can also cause issues like ingrown hairs, nicks and cuts. Regular shaving tends to erode the top protective layer of the skin and most of the inflammation issues are due to the exposure of the deeper, more sensitive layers of the skin.

  • Moisturizing the night prior and mild exfoliation can help to prevent ingrown hairs and razor bumps.
  • For that nasty razor burn, using a soothing, alcohol free post shave gel can help a lot. Ingredients like wheat germ, soya bean oil, vitamin E, aloe, chamomile and silicones help to protect the skin’s natural barrier and reduce inflammation.
  • It’s always recommended that one shaves in the direction of the hair growth rather than against it.
  • For dry, coarse hair, it’s best to use shaving gels with ingredients like camphor, clove flower oil, glycerin, hyaluronate and wheat germ extract.
  • For ladies who are into shaving their legs, using a mild moisturizer or a conditioner as a shaving gel might help keep those legs smooth and soft.

Hair, hair, everywhere!

Be it waxing or shaving, those pesky ingrown hairs are a constant impediment to beautiful skin. This happens because the waxing lifts away the top skin layers and also cause trauma to the hair roots.

  • Regular use of an exfoliating product, like a gel or a scrub about once a week, can be quite helpful. This prevents build-up of skin debris and the short hairs then grow in the right direction.
  • Using a pumice stone, a couple of times a week can also help prevent ingrown hairs.

More hairy issues!

Dry hair ends and split ends are a common result of exposure to the harsh summer sun; and pollution only makes matters worse. The oils produced by the glands in the scalp tend to dry in the summer heat and don’t reach the ends of the hair. Also, sweating in summers causes the hair to get coated and increases dryness.

  • Regular use of a conditioner and a hair serum on the hair ends can help prevent split ends.
  • Covering your hair with a scarf in case travelling in the sun can also be really helpful.
  • A supplement with hair nourishing ingredients like biotin and B complex vitamins can help in strengthening the hair roots and improve the quality of the hair.
  • Finally, the split ends have to be dealt with. A regular trim every other month will ensure that your hair is always at its shiniest best.


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