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सप्ताह के अंत में डाइबिटीज़ कैसे मैनेज करें
Managing Diabetes over the weekend The Weekend is here. Time to de-stress and enjoy fun time with family and friends! But doesn’t this come accompan...
डाइबिटीज़ के साथ स्वस्थ रहना- आपका दैनिक मंत्र
Living healthy with diabetes- your daily mantra Living with diabetes can be easy and smooth! All one has to do is adopt a few the health promoting hab...
“Hypoglycaemic” events in your life
“Hypoglycaemic” events in your life Dear readers, hypoglycemia is one of the most common condition in people with diabetes and without diabetes. H...
Did you know living with diabetes has an emotional angle?
Did you know living with diabetes has an emotional angle? For people living with diabetes, managing their emotional health can be as challenging a...
डाइबिटीज़ के लिए मसुड़ों की देखभाल और दंत स्वच्छता कितनी महत्वपूर्ण है?
How important is Gum care and dental hygiene for Diabetes? Maintaining your blood glucose levels is not the only thing people with diabetes need take ...
Diabetes and Infertility
Diabetes and infertility; are you affected? When you and your partner are trying to have a baby for over a year, and the conception has not yet happen...
गर्मी में सामान्य त्वचा और बालों की तकलीफ
COMMON SUMMER SKIN AND HAIR WOES Some common conditions that most people seem to grapple with at some time or the other, surely these might s...
MELANOMA Melanoma is a type of skin cancer. It gets its name from the pigment producing cells of the skin, called melanocyte. Sometimes, thes...
Pediculosis or lice infestation is something, I think, each one of us has grappled with. Commonly, it’s seen in school kids who tend to pick it up...

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