Facts on Obesity

  • हाल ही में दुनिया भर में किए गए एक सर्वेक्षण के अनुसार: भारत में दुनिया के दूसरे सबसे अधिक मोटे बच्चे हैं।
  • इंडिया, चाईना द्वारा पीछे : बचपन के मोटापे में 15.3 मिलियन के साथ चीन और 14.4 मिलियन के साथ भारत दूसरे स्थान पर है।
  • 2018 में राष्ट्रीय परिवार स्वास्थ्य सर्वेक्षण के अनुसार- पिछले एक दशक में मोटे लोगों की संख्या दोगुनी हो गई है।
  • According to a latest publication in a medical journal-“The Lancet” –Currently there are 30 million obese Indians and by 2025, this number is expected to pass 70 million.
  • क्या आप जानते हैं नींद की कमी मोटापे की संभावना को बढ़ाती है- यदि आप पर्याप्त नींद नहीं लेते हैं तो आप घ्रेलिन का उत्पादन करते हैं, यह एक हार्मोन जो आपकी भूख को बढ़ाता है और इसलिए आपके शरीर में अतिरिक्त वजन को जोड़ता है।
  • भारत दुनिया का तीसरा सबसे अधिक मोटापे वाला देश है - एक मेडिकल जर्नल लैंसेट में प्रकाशित एक अध्ययन के अनुसार - शीर्ष 10 देशों के इस वैश्विक खतरे की सूची में भारत केवल अमेरिका और चीन से पीछे है, जिसमें सबसे अधिक मोटे लोग हैं।
  • Latest Survey reveals that technology addiction is adding to obesity amongst young adults and children in India. Television, computers and video games at the cost of sports and physical activity, causing sedentary life style are prime cause of obesity among young ones.
  • Surprising but true-Globally, Obesity causes more deaths than malnutrition -Worldwide, obesity is one of the top five leading causes of death. It results in greater than 2.8 million deaths every year.
Source https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html
India has second highest obese children in world: Study
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health-news/Facts-about-obesity/articleshow/18363881.cms https://www.indiatoday.in/mail-today/story/obesity-india-weighs-third-on-obesity-scale-196126-2014-06-08

Diabetes helpful tips – A caregivers guide

Diabetes helpful tips

Diabetes is a chronic medical condition, which can severely affect the physical and emotional condition of a patient. Family/partners of people living with diabetes may sometimes find caregiving an overwhelming experience, because of the exhaustive demands in diabetes management. They often undergo emotional, mental and physical stress.

Read on to find out what you can do & how you can cope.

Enlighten yourself:

According to ADA, partners/caregivers who do their own little research in diabetes are more equipped and apt in managing diabetes well. Knowing a various aspects of diabetes like what food can be consumed and what self measures one can take to prevent diabetes. Studies reveal books, medical online sites, diabetes communities can be of great help in enlightening about diabetes. Caregivers may also consult a certified diabetes educator to educate themselves about the Do, s and Don’ts of caregiving for people with diabetes.

Avoid “miscarried helping”:

Research suggests, too much nagging can back fire in diabetes management. Psychologist Gerald Straus, calls too much nagging “miscarried helping”.You may be having every intention to help your partner/ patient but studies reveal, miscarried helping may lead your loved ones runningin just the opposite direction”, leading to very poor diabetes management.

Kindness matters:

Research suggests imposing rules and executing doctor’s instructions in the wrong tone or dialect may rub the patient/partner in all the wrong ways. Studies reveal explaining things compassionately, like what you would appreciate your partner/patient to do, and what may disappoint you, can get you better results in treatment compliance. Dr Strauss, ADA suggests, you can take additional help from expert diabetes educators to ensure your approach is well received and followed.

On the other hand, with children, and adolescents one has to supervise, and sometimes might have to be a little strict to ensure treatment compliance..

Bring in changes together:

Research suggests bringing in necessary lifestyle changes in your life too can help enormously to motivate your partner/patient living with diabetes. By adopting healthy changes together, like eating the same diet, one can manage the conditions better, because people living with diabetes will have company, in making efforts to lead a healthy lifestyle. You may choose to make a few sacrifices to let the patient/spouse you are caring for, know that you are fully committed to the diabetes management programme. A caregiver’s role is one of the most important aspects in diabetes management. A compassionate and well understanding partner can help in addressing the diabetes issues more effectively.

Share your feelings:

We understand that caregiving can be stressful at times. Research suggests, caregivers may often suffer from compassion fatigue and burnout. Compassion fatigue is a common condition observed in medical professionals, nurses, and caregivers.

Dr Charles Figley Professor from New Orleans LA defines, compassion fatigue as a state experienced by caregivers, who are preoccupied in constantly caring for patients, which leads to a degree of self-distress, creating a secondary traumatic condition in the caregiver/helper. Hence, it is most important for a caregiver to stay calm, stress free during the diabetes care for the partner.

Feel free to share your feelings with your spouse/patients/doctors whenever you feel absolutely exhausted. Speaking your heart out can be a very good way to lighten up yourself. There are several ways of coping up with compassion fatigue such as taking up recreational activities, outings with the patient/family, yoga & meditation. You may also choose to seek medical advice if you are completely undergoing burn out.

Make feasible plans

According to the American diabetes association-Setting up realistic goals and taking a step-by-step approach is the easiest and the best way to incorporate lifestyle changes. For example, doing small things at first, like including a 45 minute walking regime daily, may lower your partner/patient blood sugar levels, which can motivate your partner/patient to embrace further inclusions of the diabetes programme. A daily regular regimen followed can help in alleviating the much caused anxiety and helps in keeping a check on the spiked glucose levels.

Make meals interesting:

Studies reveal that meals have been always an area of interest for people with diabetes. Nothing should come your way in serving tasty food, keeping diabetes in mind. Stock your kitchen with healthy fruits and vegetables, so that you can always quickly prepare an interesting snack or meal for frequent munching.

You may want to check out our diabetes friendly recipes, before you step out to shop for grocery for yourself and your partner. We recommend you to have a look at the section-Food as Medicine where our expert Dr. Mona Johar speaks about the right food that can be to prevent and control diabetes.

Have fun while caregiving:

Off-Key Singing

Did you know that you can have fun while caregiving too? Experts say, freestyle singing or off key singing such as singing a parody or making up your own lyrics can be great fun for both the patient & the caregiver. This simple activity can minimize stress. Stress plays a vital role in getting diabetic and controlling when the levels are raised.

Silly Dancing

Taking a break? You may choose to silly dance and request your partner/patient to join you. This is a great stress buster and can bring smiles to the both of you.

Most Important- Take care of yourself:

Studies reveal caregivers often put themselves at last, in terms of caring for themselves. This can really take a toll on both their physical and mental health. Joan Lunden’s “Camp Reveille” exclusively for caregivers suggests that, caregivers must take out time to nourish their soul, mind and body.

The following are the few activities for thecaregiver’s, listed as the caregivers“favourites” that can easily be done in the comfort of their homes

Meditation – meditation can be done, anywhere, anytime.  It delivers a sense of calm and peace, making it an excellent stress and tension reliever. If one can spare 10 minutes or 20 at the beginning or end of your day, it can help ease tension and allow you to gain a new perspective on a stressful situation. There are many forms of meditation, so try a few to find the one that works best for you.

Morning and Evening Stretches – Beginning and ending your day with some gentle stretching can relax and release tired muscles, improving circulation and range of motion. Just a few minutes each morning and evening can make an impact on your day.

ताई ची – Tai Chi is a Chinese form of workout, which involves a series of slow, graceful movements accompanied by gentle deep breathing.  Some describe Tai Chi as “meditation in motion.” It’s an excellent, low-impact exercise that reduces stress and anxiety while getting your energy flowing.

Yoga – Yoga basicallyfocuses on the synchronization of movement and breathing, yoga builds strength, stamina, balance and flexibility.  It can help reduce stress and lower blood pressure, while improving your overall fitness.  Along with meditation, there are a variety of yoga forms. You may also choose to enrol in a yoga centre.

Pilates – This popular form which focuses on building core strength and torso stability, which improves levels of strength, balance, flexibility, muscle tone, stamina, and general well-being. Pilates is an excellent option for any age or fitness level as the exercises can be done on a floor mat or Pilates equipment at home.

Conclusion- Though diabetes is a chronic disease but managing diabetes can be achieved with the help of lifestyle changes. It is vital for the caregiver and patient to stay happy and cheerful during the journey of diabetes management. Right modalities opted can help manage diabetes and can make the journey comfortable both for the patient and caregiver.


American diabetes association






Quinoa-Stuffed Peppers Recipe


The month of October is the Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In October various health campaigns are organised to spread messages and to remove the fear from the minds of people telling them that this cancer is curable.Breast cancer can be cured if it is detected in the early stages. Here awareness and early detection are of utmost importance. Self-examination of the breast is of great help in detecting breast cancer.

The early symptoms of breast cancer are

  • A lump in the breast or underarm that is often painless and persists.
  • Pain or tenderness in the breast and a swelling in the armpit.
  • A pittish surface on the breast which looks like the skin of an orange.
  • Change in the size of the breast.
  • Nipple retraction.
  • Often the nipple can develop a scaly rash with itching and burning sensation.
  • An unusual discharge from the nipple which may be bloodish or of a light colour.

The key to fight this cancer is to be aware of changes in the body and to visit a doctor without losing out on time. We must spread the message of awareness to as many people as we can and save many precious lives.

  • Let us all get together to
  • Support the fighters
  • Admire the survivors
  • Honour the taken
  • And never ever give up hope


Article by, Mrs Sudha Murgai –Director India,Roko Cancer Charitable Trust

New research on Breast Cancer


The efforts to find a treatment for breast cancer are ongoing. Researchers are developing new drugs and treatment for cancer. Research done in the labs if found successful are then taken to the clinical trials for further confirmation of the drug or any treatment therapy.

Some latest research carried out for breast cancer is as below:

Monoclonal antibodies developed in the lab:

They are being developed to work alone or with chemotherapy and radiation therapy to find and attack cancer cells. Our bodies do not recognize cancer cells as foreign body; this therapy aims to develop certain antibodies which start to recognize cancer cells as foreign cells and starts fighting with them. Trastuzumab (Herceptin) is an example of an FDA-approved monoclonal antibody.

Anti–angiogenesis drugs:

Anti–angiogenesis drugs block angiogenesis (the growth of new blood vessels). In this research cancer cells are devoid the supply of blood vessels, which will not allow them to grow further. This research aims to develop such drugs which can restrict the supply of blood vessels especially in metastatic breast cancer (MBC).


Immunotherapy aims to develop the body’s immune system to fight cancer cells. An example is cancer vaccines. Vaccines may be made up of cancer cells or parts of cancer cells. These cells stimulate the body’s natural defense to help attack and kill cancer cells. They are currently under study for MBC.

Food and cancer Research:

A study conducted at Loma Lind University, looked at several dietary items and the risk of prostate, colorectal, and breast cancer. This research revealed that a vegetarian diet was associated with a slightly lower cancer risk (particularly in gastrointestinal cancers), and a vegan diet was associated with a lower risk of cancers of female organs and prostate cancer. A lower rate of breast cancer was found when high amounts of foods such as soy isoflavones were consumed. The research also revealed that cooked tomatoes were associated with lower prostate cancer risk. Studies have revealed that high fibre diet minimizes the risk of bowel cancer. Foods high in fibre include fruits, vegetables, pulses and wholegrain foods, the best source is whole grains. Scientists are trying to find the reason for consuming high fibre diet and less risk of cancer.

Salt-preserved foods and cancer:

Salt-preserved foods have found to increase the risk of stomach cancer. Some salt-preserved foods are pickled vegetables, salted fish and cured meats. Salt could increase stomach cancer risk by damaging the stomach lining, which causes inflammation or the stomach lining becomes sensitive to cancer causing chemicals. Salt may also react with stomach bug called Helicobacter pylori that is linked to both stomach ulcers and stomach cancer.


6 best alternatives: diabetes sugar cravings

Johnny Johnny yes papa … eating sugar no papa, open your mouth ha ha ha. Isn’t this famous old poem “so true” for many of us? Well, sugar cravings can be smartly handled and satisfied by natural effective alternatives, read on to find out.


Indulge in fresh and seasonal fruits:


Eating fruits is not only beneficial for your health, but the natural “fructose” content in fruits satisfy your “sugar cravings” too. Fresh and seasonal fruits like berries, avocado, cherries, pear, apples, grapes, mangoes, bananas, pomegranate, kiwi etc…. are readily available in the market and can be used as fillers/minimeals in diabetes diet plans. Adding fruits to your cornflakes for breakfast can be a great way to replace sugars totally. But remember packed and processed fruits should be avoided as they carry “hidden sugars” which may spike your blood glucose level.


Add Flavour to your meals:


Spices and herbs can do wonders to your diabetes meals. Why stick with the bland and boring taste, spice up your meals. Add a pinch of cardamom, cloves, turmeric, cumin, white pepper, black pepper, red dried chill or chilli flakes etc and have a great tasty meal. This will not only satisfy your taste buds but also keep you away from sugar cravings.


Looking for a drink?


Do you quench your thirst with high sugar aerated drinks? Replace it with low fat milk, fruit juices, coconut water (rich in minerals and antioxidants) or simply water. Quenching your thirst with water is the best way to cut out on sugar and calories. Research hints replacing high sugar drinks and mock tails with non-soda drinks not only help you curb sugar cravings but also helps the extra calories away.


Aroma & beverages


We all love our tea’s and coffees’. Mostly we are recommended by our dieticians to consume it minus the “sugars” but did you know adding aroma to beverages can curb sugar cravings. Scientific studies reveal that adding jasmine leaves or cardamom powder in your tea can curb sugar cravings to a larger extent.


Reward yourself


There will be occasions where you will want to pamper yourself, research hints a tiny portion of “dark chocolate” rich with cocoa will not only satisfy your “sugar tooth” but also help you in keeping your sugar cravings under control. Scientific studies also reveal that “Dark chocolate” keeps you away from depression and elevates your mood. You are advised to check with your doctor/dietician about the portion sizes. Exceeding the recommended portion sizes may lead to spiking of blood glucose levels.


Eat frequently


American Diabetes Association suggests, eating frequent meals in intervals keeps sugar cravings in control and also helps you in losing the weight. Also eating frequently and keeps your blood glucose levels in control.


To read more on Diabetes, click on the link below,


Citations www.diabetes.org Diabetes new Zealand magazine www.webmd.com

Quinoa-Stuffed Peppers Recipe


Total Time:5 minutes
परोसे : 3-4


  • 6-8 mint leaves
  • 1 red grapefruit, peeled
  • 2 cups strawberries (unfrozen)
  • 1 small piece fresh ginger
  • ½ tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup ice cubes


  • Blend all ingredients together in a juice machine or blender.
  • If using a blender, the mint leaves should be muddled.
    • Content Courtsey: Nutriassetes

Quinoa-Stuffed Peppers Recipe


Total Time: 45 minutes
Serves: 2–4


  • 1 tablespoon smooth natural peanut butter
  • 1½ teaspoons sesame oil
  • 1½ teaspoons rice vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon tamari or soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon water
  • ½ teaspoon minced garlic Pinch of crushed red pepper (optional)
  • 3 cups torn lettuce
  • 3 ounces cooked shrimp
  • ½ cup cooked brown rice
  • ¼ cup chopped red cabbage
  • ¼ cup julienned bell pepper
  • ¼ cup julienned carrots
  • ¼ cup julienned cucumber
  • ¼ cup avocado Fresh mint and sesame seeds for garnish


  • 1.Preheat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • 2. Combine stock and quinoa in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand, covered, for 5 minutes. Fluff with fork and set aside.
  • 3. Meanwhile, sprinkle bell peppers with salt and pepper. Place on baking sheet and roast cut side down until skin begins to char, about 20 minutes. Remove from oven and reduce oven temperature to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • 4.While bell peppers roast, heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add onion, zucchini, garlic and Italian seasoning. Season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until vegetables are tender, 10–12 minutes. Add reserved quinoa. Sprinkle with parsley and stir to combine.
  • 5.Turn bell peppers cut side up and fill halves evenly with quinoa mixture. Drizzle with oil as desired. Heat in the oven until warmed through. Served topped with cheese.
    • Content Courtsey: Nutriassetes

Cardiovascular health linked thinking capabilities later in life latest research


According to new research in the American Heart Association journal Circulation, keeping heart healthy as a young adult may increase your chance of staying mentally sharp in mid-life.

In a clinical 25-year old study done on 3,381 people, 18- to 30-years-old, those with blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels on a higher side suffered from low level of thinking capabilities their 40s and 50s. The average scores on three cognitive tests were between 0.06 to 0.30 points less which showed a high level of risk associated with the cognitive functions. According to researchers – “It was observed that as young adult, mildly elevated cardiovascular risks seem to matter for your brain health later in life”. This is one of the first most wide-spread and long-term studies looking at key heart disease and stroke risk factors’ effects on cognitive function in this age group. An earlier research showed similar effects of mid-life and late-life cardiovascular health on brainpower in late life.

The study done as a part continued ongoing multi-center Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. Participants had their blood pressure, fasting blood sugar and cholesterol levels checked every two to five years. Researchers studied each person’s cumulative cardiovascular health over 25 years.

The American Heart Association defines ideal cardiovascular health as systolic blood pressure <120 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure <80 mm Hg, blood sugar <100 mg/dL, and cholesterol < 200 mg/dL.

By the end of the study, the trial participants were tested for three different functions viz-measuring memory, thinking speed and mental flexibility.

Increased blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol are the prime major risk factors for atherosclerosis, leading to accumulation of waxy material around the arteries. According to researchers- The narrowing of the arteries leading to and in the brain is the most likely explanation for the link between cardiovascular health and cognitive function. Researchers are quite hopeful about this latest research, because it may prevent the risk of many diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia by emphasizing the importance of controlling risk factors in adults aged in 40s to 50s.

Source: https://www.goredforwomen.org/about-heart-disease/heart_disease_research-subcategory/cardiovascular-risk-linked-mental-function/

Healthy Recipe Heart


All the tastes, color and fun of a spring roll without all the work! This healthy salad recipe is bursting with the colors of rainbow from generous amounts of fresh vegetables and shrimp all topped with a peanut dressing for the ultimate satisfying salad.


  • 1 tablespoon smooth natural peanut butter
  • 1½ teaspoons sesame oil
  • 1½ teaspoons rice vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon tamari or soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon water
  • ½ teaspoon minced garlic Pinch of crushed red pepper (optional)
  • 3 cups torn lettuce
  • 3 ounces cooked shrimp
  • ½ cup cooked brown rice
  • ¼ cup chopped red cabbage
  • ¼ cup julienned bell pepper
  • ¼ cup julienned carrots
  • ¼ cup julienned cucumber
  • ¼ cup avocado Fresh mint and sesame seeds for garnish


  • 1. Whisk peanut butter, oil, rice vinegar, maple syrup, tamari (or soy sauce), water, garlic and crushed red pepper (if using) in a small bowl until smooth to make the dressing – peanut sauce
  • 2. Combine lettuce, shrimp, rice, cabbage, bell pepper, carrot, cucumber and avocado in a bowl.
  • 3. Add dressing and toss to combine. Garnish with mint and sesame seeds, if desired.
    • Content Courtsey: Nutriassetes