The Ninth Month

Ninth Month Of Pregnancy

The ninth month is synonymous with childbirth and as pregnancy draws to a close, the mother tends to have mixed feelings. While she is eager to deliver, she is equally anxious and apprehensive about labour, child birth and the challenges of becoming a mother. If the baby were born now he would have an excellent chance of survival.

The rate of weight gain slows down and completely stops after week 38. If the total weight gain is approx 10kgs or less, it is relatively easier to return to pre pregnancy weight after delivery. In the final two weeks there might be a slight reduction in weight. This shows that the baby is matured now and you can expect labor within 10 days. The total weight gain during pregnancy ranges from 10 to 12 kgs but it may vary from woman to woman.



Changes in the mother  

  • The growing belly alters the weight distribution, so a correct posture is a must to prevent accidents.
  • There might be extreme tiredness due to lack of sleep and extra weight of the baby
  • The bladder is under pressure so the urgency to pass urine becomes even more frequent.
  • The baby’s head may have dropped in the pelvis by now.
  • Once the baby’s head drops in the pelvis, heartburn, acidity, indigestion and breathlessness may begin to lessen
  • You may be feeling high on energy due to the mother’s instinct and would want to clear out space in the cupboards. Please take it easy and don’t tire yourself in the process.
  • Your skin will feel stretched over the abdomen and may itch a little too.
  • The baby bulge will be huge and make it difficult to lie down in the bed
  • Bumping into objects will become a common feature.
  • There will be a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen
  • A lot of effort will be needed for every single movement that you make.
  • Your cervix will be softening in preparation for labour
  • Braxton and Hicks contractions may make you feel you are in labour.
  • There might be pricking sensation in the legs like pins and needles.

Features of the Baby

  • Length 20 inch
  • Weight approx 3 kg
  • The baby takes up all the space in the womb and kicks and punches rather than shifts.
  • The head would have dropped into your pelvis, ready for birth
  • The baby gains about 20gms every day for the remaining four weeks in the womb
  • Soft nails have grown on the tips of fingers and toes
  • In a boy, the testicles would have descended.
  • Hair may have grown up to 5cm
  • Baby has pinkish skin
  • Since fat is being stored, the baby becomes more rounded.


  • Due to the increase in the weight of the baby, the mother can suffer from swollen ankles and varicose veins. You need to put your feet up as much as possible.
  • Take a tour of the delivery room and maternity ward
  • Make a weekly visit to the clinic until birth
  • Stock the pantry and the fridge with food for the time when you are in the hospital and after delivery
  • Buy nursing or feeding bras. Measure yourself properly and choose from the various types of nursing bra that are available
  • Pack your suitcase for the hospital
  • Discuss with your doctor if your partner wants to be with you while you are in labour.

This is the perfect time to do whatever makes you happy and content. Being relaxed and stress free and moving around a little may contribute a lot towards a normal delivery. As the initial few weeks after delivery will revolve around your baby, enjoy these last baby free days.The baby can be expected any time from now so just enjoy these last weeks before the new phase of your life begins.

To read more on Pregnancy, click on the link below,


The First Month

first month of pregnancy

Congratulations – for becoming officially pregnant. Your doctor or your pregnancy kit has revealed that you have landed into the beautiful phase of your life-pregnancy.

However, first two weeks of the first month you cannot be called as pregnant, as the complete conception is still in the process. But, for calculating the start of your pregnancy, week first is considered from the beginning of your last menstrual cycle.

A tiny embryo will start forming if your mates sperm and your egg has fertilized successfully.

After the fertilization, the egg starts to grow, split and multiply. The egg grows and forms the zygote.

Further, zygote travels to the uterus through the fallopian tubes and gets itself placed in the uterus. Zygote once attached to your uterus confirms pregnancy and from now onwards you will not have your monthly menstrual cycle.

Changes in your body

How you feel during the first month of pregnancy can differ from woman to woman. Some women start experiencing changes from the moment the fertilized egg implants in the uterus, but on the other hand not many may not feel any change in their body until well after the first month.

You may experience one or mixed of the following symptoms:

  • Feeling of nausea and cramping
  • You may have spotting or light periods
  • A feeling of tiredness and fatigue
  • Some women also experience swollen or pain in the breasts
  • Mood swings-You may feel anxious or happy at times.

However, above mentioned symptoms do not confirm that you are pregnant, consult your doctor if these symptoms have started .Do not start any medications to suppress these symptoms as it may have serious side effects on your baby.

The aforementioned signs and symptoms may also indicate late periods. The specific test which can detect pregnancy which can detect a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin, known as hCG Pregnancy kit can detect this hormone in your urine or you can undergo a blood test after consulting a doctor. A blood test is more specific and accurate in detecting hCG hormone in your body and can detect pregnancy at its earliest.

What You Need to Know in the First Month of Pregnancy

The first few weeks are crucial for the development of your baby. Cells are continuously dividing and each and every day marks a change in your baby’s growth. As during initial weeks you might not be aware that you pregnant, so once you start planning pregnancy you can start with a multi-vitamins that includes folic acid. Folic acid helps to prevent spina bifida and other neural tube defects. Taking Omega 3 fatty acids can also promote the eye, heart and brain development.

Do’s and Do not’s

If you are planning pregnancy or you are trying to get pregnant or you have entered pregnancy, so you need to cut down the tobacco products, alcohol, or recreational drugs. Say no to toxic fumes. If you are taking any medications consult your doctor about their further intake and usage.

Pregnancy kits are a great way to find out if you are pregnant, but it is important to consult your doctor to confirm the news. This is a good time to share the news with your family and friends. You can start with the antenatal classes to learn more about healthy pregnancy.

The most important thing is to stay happy and relaxed during this phase. Eat healthy and nutritious food to keep yourself and your baby happy and healthy.

Finally, celebrate! Your have entered a new era of your life. Coming next 8 months your body will experience new changes and you will be culminating a new life inside your womb!!

To read more on Pregnancy, click on the link below,
