Tips for Healthy Heart

Tips for Healthy Heart by Famhealth
  • Experts say trans fats are not good for heart health. Trans fats are found in deep fried food items and oily food items. This is because trans fat clogs your arteries by raising your bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and lowering your good cholesterol levels (HDL). By cutting them from your diet, you improve the blood flow throughout your body.
  • Dental health is a good indication of overall health, including your heart, because those who have periodontal (gum) disease often have the same risk factors for heart disease. Bacteria in the mouth involved in the development of gum disease can move into the bloodstream. These bacteria can cause inflammation of the bold vessels, which may increase your risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Sleep is an essential part of keeping your heart healthy. If you don’t sleep enough, you may be at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease no matter your age or other health habits. It is suggestive to make sleep a priority. Experts recommend a good 7 to 8 hours of sleep.
  • Research has shown that staying seated for long periods of time is bad for your heart health no matter how much exercise you do. Experts say it’s important to move throughout the day. Some easy steps are – Park farther away from the office, take a few shorter walks throughout the day and/or use a standing work station. 
  • Studies show that the risk of developing heart disease is about 25 to 30 percent higher for people who are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or work. According to the American Heart Association, exposure to tobacco smoke contributes to about 34,000 premature heart disease deaths. Try to maintain a distance from passive smokers.

Healthy habits for Dental hygiene

Healthy habits for Dental hygiene by Famhealth
  • Brush before you sleep at night- General recommendation is to brush at least twice a day. Still, many of us continue to neglect brushing our teeth at night. But, brushing before bed gets rid of the germs and plaque that accumulate throughout the day.
  • Brush properly-Poor brushing your teeth is almost as bad as not brushing at all. Take your time, moving the toothbrush in gentle, circular motions to remove plaque. Unremoved plaque can harden, leading to calculus buildup and gingivitis (early gum disease).
  • Clean your Tongue-Plaque can also build up on your tongue. Not only can this lead to bad mouth odor, but it can lead to other oral health problems. It is recommended to gently brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth.
  • Drink more water -Water continues to be the best beverage for your overall health — including oral health. This can help wash out some of the negative effects of sticky and acidic foods and beverages in between brushes.
  • Eat lots of crunchy vegetables-Eating fresh, crunchy vegetables and fruits not only contains more healthy fiber, but it’s also the best choice for your teeth and are natural teeth cleansers.