An Eating Disorder

Eating disorders are a group of illnesses characterized by an
obsession with food, weight and poor body image. These can range
from not eating enough to overeating, bingeing and purging. The common
ones are anorexia nervosa and bulimia.

Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia

What are the factors that play a role in eating disorders?

  • With the growth of social media, eating disorders are a common issue these days.
  • Eating disorders can affect people at any age but teenagers, especially girls, tend to get very obsessed with their appearance to look like their idols; and some might develop eating disorders.
  • Certain factors, like a genetic tendency or a disturbed family environment, might play a role in developing eating disorders.

What happens in Anorexia Nervosa?

  • Anorexia Nervosa is a type of eating disorder in which the affected person avoids eating to be thin.
  • Generally, people affected with anorexia are underweight and they avoid certain food groups or exercise excessively to stay thin.
  • It is a serious form of an eating disorder and it can lead to death due to excessive starvation or even suicide.
  •  A person affected with anorexia for a long period of time might have issues like constipation, brittle nails, dry hair and thinning of the muscles.

What happens in bulimia?

  • In bulimia, the affected person has bouts of excess eating which the person is unable to control.
  • These binges are followed by purging, either as vomiting or by the use of laxatives.
  • Such people tend to maintain a normal body weight.
  • They are prone to heart and kidney problems as the purging disturbs the electrolyte balance of the body.

Why is it important to detect and treat eating disorders?

  • These disorders need to be detected and managed early as they even be fatal.
  • Detecting an eating disorder in a loved one can help in early intervention which can even save their lives.

How can one detect an eating disorder?

There are some telltale signs that can help in detecting these conditions.

  • A person affected with anorexia might feel excessively cold and wear multiple layers of clothing.
  • The person might avoid eating in public or be very picky about food.
  • A person affected with an eating disorder might complain about being fat, even though underweight.
  • In the case of bulimia, there may be signs of excess eating in the form of used wrappers and food containers.
  • Sometimes, the smell of vomit is a giveaway.
  • People affected by bulimia tend to develop callouses on their hands due to vomiting.

Signs & Symptoms of an Eating Disorder

A man or woman suffering from an eating disorder may reveal several signs and symptoms, some which are:

  • Chronic dieting despite being hazardously underweight
  • Constant weight fluctuations
  • Obsession with calories and fat contents of food
  • Engaging in ritualistic eating patterns, such as cutting food into tiny pieces, eating alone, and/or hiding food
  • Continued fixation with food, recipes, or cooking; the individual may cook intricate meals for others but refrain from partaking
  • Depression or lethargic stage
  • Avoidance of social functions, family, and friends. May become isolated and withdrawn
  • Switching between periods of overeating and fasting

How is an eating disorder managed?

  • Once detected, it is very important to take a sympathetic approach to eating disorders as the affected person might be emotionally labile and embarrassed about the condition.
  • There is a need to treat these conditions by using a combined approach of family counselling, behavior modification therapy and medications.
  • The family’s involvement is very important.
  • In anorexia, monitoring the person’s food intake by a family member is quite helpful in treating the condition.
  • Cognitive behavior therapy and counselling to deal with any emotional problems is equally important as sometimes eating disorders are due to a person’s inability to deal with some emotional trauma.
  • Medical treatment is prescribed a doctor and might include anti- depressants and mood elevating medicines.
  • The doctor might also evaluate the affected person with blood counts and a check for their kidney, heart and liver functions.

Can eating disorders be prevented?

It is possible to prevent eating disorders by following these simple measures

  • Promoting a healthy lifestyle in children
  • Regulating the impact of social media on young minds can help in preventing eating disorders
  • Speaking to children regularly on the importance of a healthy body image
  • Inculcating the habit of volunteering and social service can help in changing children’s perspective and promote a healthier outlook.



The Importance And Essentials
Of Healthy Diet

Good nutrition is extremely important as it is the fuel that
keeps the body healthy. Good food discipline includes not just eating the
right kind of food but also at the right time. It also includes good
habits with regard to buying, cleaning and storing food, correct
preparation of food to maximize the health benefits. A big part of
food discipline is avoiding foods that harm the body, like preserved
foods which have added salt and preservatives. Avoiding addicting
substances like alcohol is also a part of good food discipline.


Why is it important to have a healthy diet?

  • A well balanced diet can help in preventing obesity, reduce diseases like arthritis, heart diseases, type two diabetes, certain cancers and also prevent mood swings.
  • Our diet also provides certain vital nutrients likevitamins and minerals which are required in small quantities for good health.Lack of minerals like iron can cause anaemia. Lack of vitamins can cause diseases like night blindness, weakness of bones, bleeding problems and nerve pains.

What are the essentials of a good diet?

  • A good diet should provide energy in the form of calories. These depend on lifestyle and gender. Most women need between 1500-2000 Kcal per day and men might require 2500-3500 Kcal per day.
  • A well balanced diet should consist of protein (meat, eggs, legumes), carbohydrates (bread, cereal, potato), fats (oils, butter) as well as minerals (milk, meat, green leafy vegetables), vitamins (fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs) and water.

How can I prevent food indiscipline?

Keeping in mind some simple lifestyle habits can help in avoiding food indiscipline.

  • Avoid temptation- Avoid keeping junk food like chips and colas at home. That way, even if temptation strikes, you’ll be forced to choose healthier options like fresh fruits and salads.
  • Stock up on fresh produce and cook from scratch at home- Making food from scratch at home and carrying the same as lunch to office or school helps to develop the taste of fresh food. It is also healthier as you can avoid harmful preservatives in tinned and canned foods, like nitrates and excess salt.
  • Keep water at hand- Many a time, we mistake thirst for hunger pangs or food cravings. Keeping a glass of water handy can help us remember to keep sipping through the day.
  • Avoid excess dieting- Many people indulge in crash dieting or avoid food groups. This can be unhealthy in the long run. It’s best to have a balanced diet with all food groups in moderation. One can avoid fried foods and keep a check on portion sizes to control weight.
  • Healthy plating- A healthy plate should have protein like meat, fish, eggs or pulses on one fourth, one fourth should have whole grains and the balance should have healthy salads with low calorie dressings like olive oil or lemon.
  • Keep one meal as a cheat meal every week- This helps to prevent bingeing through the week.
  • Shop healthy- It’s always better to avoid food shopping if you’re hungry- you’ll be more likely to buy unhealthy foods. Plan your meals in advance, make a grocery list and shop accordingly. This way you’ll always have the ingredients for healthy meals at hand and there will be enough variety to avoid boredom
  • Use technology- There are many smart devices that can help to make food tastier and healthier. From air fryers to popcorn makers, technology can help in preparing healthy, delicious meals.
  • Indulge in healthy snacking- The urge to snack between meals is commonly seen in children. Keep carrot sticks, fruits and popcorn along with lemonade ready to avoid unhealthy snacking.
  • Eating out- To avoid bingeing at parties and while eating out, have a light snack, like soup or a salad, before attending the event. Opt for roasted and grilled food along with healthy salads and choose fruits for dessert.
  • Correct storage of food is also important. It’s always advisable to refrigerate perishables like milk, eggs and freeze meats as these can otherwise transmit bacteria that cause food poisoning.
