about famhealth
Famhealth derived from the term Family Health is a healthcare venture in bringing people with common health conditions and concerns together.
Patients and their caregivers have questions that remain unanswered. We plug this information gap by aggregating; curating and disseminating evidence-based information through various media platforms.
We strive to help the patient and ‘family health guardians’ navigate through various issues related to their health by Informing, Inspiring and Empowering them. In short, equipping families to take informed, thought-through decisions.
We have a wide network of experienced super-specialists who advise us and our medical content is created by an unbiased team of professionals with a cumulative experience of more than 100 years and who come from various backgrounds – medical, media, advertising, digital, and academics… mostly humanitarian. We are proud to offer India a platform dedicated to healthcare people can trust.
You can also catch us on TV with our distribution partners, Tata Sky on “Tata Sky Family Health”
our core team

Close to 30 years work ex in advertising and marketing. Began her career in account management at Lintas (Delhi and Mumbai) and McCann Erickson (Delhi and Mumbai) as also by working on iconic brands like Dettol; Disprin, Stayfree; J&J Baby products. L’Oreal etc.
A stint at McCann Erickson New York (Consumer Health) followed by setting up new ventures:
- McCann Healthcare India, one of the first specialist agencies in this domain.
- As an Executive Director & President a Sudler & Hennessey India & Singapore, a high-end specialist niche communications company (a WPP/ Rediffusion Y&R company. This encompassed setting up a series of disciplines ranging from consumer advertising (OTC businesses), direct marketing, BTB marketing, loyalty programs, a medical knowledge bank and PR not just for India, but Singapore too.
Worked as Director Marketing at Ozone Ayurvedics, and as Director, Business with Tag Worldwide.

Vibha holds a BA (hon) degree in economics from Delhi University and a Master of Business Administration degree from the Faculty of Management Studies, New Delhi. Vibha Paul Rishi is an experienced marketing professional with stints in Indian and international markets, coupled with an abiding passion for people.
Her last role was as the executive director, brand and human capital of Max India Limited. Prior to this, she was the director, marketing and customer strategy at the Future Group. She served PepsiCo for 17 years in leadership roles in marketing and innovation in India, US and UK. She was one of the founding team of PepsiCo and Titan watches when they started up in India.
She serves on the boards of several reputed companies such as Asian Paints, Indian Hotels, Tata Chemicals etc. She is also on the board of Pratham, an NGO that works to provide education to underprivileged children in India . Recently she was appointed to the Faculty Board of her alma mater FMS , Delhi University.

Ex National Director Group M’s Motivator, Maulshree Is a seasoned advertising and content professional with over 15 years of cross functional experience in the Industry.
She was with GroupM for about 10 years, where she had stints at various GroupM agencies including ESP, Mindshare and Motivator. She worked extensively on creating branded content across brands at GroupM and created India’s first Cookery based reality which ran for multiple seasons on Colors. She also conceptualized the first ever Virtual Reality show on Doordarshan for Perfetti besides many other award winning content projects.
In addition, she launched RadioM, India’s first ‘only Radio content’ agency to harness the power of radio for brands working with Pepsico, Hero Moto Corp, Tata Tea, GSK and many others. Earlier in her career she worked with agencies like Mudra, Lowe and RKSwamy BBDO.

Over 35 years of diverse experience across industries from the Merchant Navy, Software & Solutions Sales, International trading, Project Management and as an Entrepreneur. Served as an integral member of the NIIT software team in its formative years.
His experience ranges from spearheading and management of operations, key client relationship building, business development (domestic and global), managing liaisons and all that needs in running your own business.
Each one of us is different and react to things differently. Please remember that while many ideas will be shared and discussed on this platform, some of these may not be applicable/suitable for some of us. Hence we urge you to check with your doctor if they are appropriate for you. Also, we neither encourage nor subscribe to any discussions on a specific doctor, hospital or treatments on this platform.
how we help

We provide your family and you relevant medical information, latest scientific and medical updates and professional suggestions to help you understand your condition better

We provide a safe place to hear about the journey of other people who have successfully navigated through the same health issues and what helped them overcome their challenges.

We provide as many solutions as we possibly can to help you and your family make better informed decisions to effectively manage your loved one’s health concern.