Bedsore Management

An ulceration of the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by poor circulation due to prolonged pressure on body parts
The most common places
- hips
- back
- ankles
- buttocks
This condition is common among:
- elderly people
- people with decreased mobility
- people who spend long periods in bed or a wheelchair
- people who can’t move certain body parts without help
- people with fragile skin
Sign Symptoms :
- skin discoloration
- pain in the affected area
- infection
- open skin
- skin that doesn’t lighten to the touch
- skin that’s softer or firmer than the surrounding skin
Changing position
- Second hourly positioning
Mattresses and cussion
- Air mattress/Alfa Bed
- Water bed
- Alginate dressings – to speed up the healing process
- Hydrocolloid dressings – encourages the growth of new skin cells in the ulcer, while keeping the surrounding healthy skin dry
- Other dressing types – such as foams, films, hydro fibres /gelling fibres, gels and antimicrobial (antibiotic) dressings may also be used
“Gauze dressings aren’t recommended for either the prevention or treatment of pressure ulcers.”
Creams and ointments:
- Topical antiseptic or antimicrobial (antibiotic) creams and ointments aren’t usually recommended for treating pressure ulcers.
- But barrier creams may be needed to protect skin that’s been damaged or irritated by incontinence.
- Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat an infected ulcer or if you have a serious infection, such as
- Bacterial infection of tissues under the skin (cellulitis)
- Infection of the bone (osteomyelitis)
Diet and nutrition
- Eating a healthy, balanced diet that contains enough protein and a good variety of vitamins
Removing damaged tissue (debridement)
- A local anaesthetic should be used to numb the area around the ulcer so debridement (if not being treated with a dressing) doesn’t cause you any pain.
- Surgical treatment involves:
- Cleaning the wound and closing it by bringing the edges of the ulcer together
- Cleaning the wound and using tissue from healthy skin nearby to close the ulcer
- Implanted skin tissue dying
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