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Common Complaints during Pregnancy

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Though the body adapts beautifully to carry a new life, there are some common complaints that may be faced during the pregnancy.

Bleeding Gums

Symptoms: Bleeding from the gums, mostly after brushing the teeth

Solution: Floss and brush your teeth thoroughly after eating. See your dentist, but avoid x-rays


Symptoms: Feeling breathless is common complaint which mothers feel during pregnancy.

Solution: Rest as much as possible and if the problem is severe, consult your doctor


Symptoms: Passing dry, hard stools at infrequent intervals.

Solution: Drink a lot of water and avoid laxatives by eating high fiber food; exercise regularly; take iron supplements ( if prescribed) on a full stomach and consult your doctor if problem persists


Symptoms: Painful contractions of muscles, usually in the calves of feet.

Solution: Massage the affected area. Walk around for improved blood circulation. Speak to your doctor who might prescribe calcium or Vitamin D supplements.

Feeling Faint

Symptoms: Feeling dizzy or unstable

Solution: Try not to stand for long intervals. Get up slowly, when sitting or lying down. Turn to one side and then get up if lying on your back. Get up slowly from a hot bath. Put your head between your knees if you suddenly feel dizzy

Frequent urination

Symptoms: You tend to urinate more often

Solution: If the urgency to use the washroom is more at night, try drinking fewer fluids in the evenings. If you experience pain while passing urine speak to your doctor as it might signal an infection

Heart Burn

Symptoms: A strong burning pain around the chest


  • Avoid spicy and fried food
  • Take small frequent meals
  • Try a warm drink at night
  • Use extra pillows to rest your head
  • Speak to your doctor who may prescribe an antacid.

Leaking Urine

Symptoms: Urine leaks when you cough, sneeze, or laugh


  • Practice pelvic floor exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles
  • Pass water more often
  • Avoid food that may cause constipation
  • Avoid lifting heavy weights

Morning Sickness

Symptoms: A tendency to vomit or puke, especially in the morning, or a particular time of the day. Most women feel sick and baulk at the smell of certain foods and / or cigarette smoke.


  • Avoid caffeine on waking up
  • Eat something light to keep nausea at bay
  • Avoid those food that have a strong smell if it aggravates the problem
  • Take small frequent meals throughout the day


Symptoms: Pain or bleeding while passing stool.


  • Apply an ice pack locally to ease itching
  • Avoid constipation
  • Try not to stand for long periods
  • Speak to your doctor who may prescribe local ointments


Symptoms: A red rash may develop in the sweaty skin folds under the breast or in the groin area


  • Use non perfumed soap to wash and dry these areas regularly
  • Improve your hygiene quotient by bathing more often
  • Soothe the skin with calamine lotion
  • Wear loose clothes and use natural breathable fabrics
  • Avoid working out in warm surroundings

Sleeping Difficulties

Symptoms: The expectant mother may have trouble going to sleep or difficulty going back to sleep if woken up in the middle of the night. Some women have also reported frightening dreams


  • Take a warm bath before bedtime
  • Read a book or practice relaxation techniques
  • Experiment with extra pillows
  • Drink a warm beverage like turmeric milk or chamomile tea that promotes sleep
  • Lavender essential oils that give out a soothing aroma may be useful.

Stretch Marks

Symptoms: Red marks appear on the thighs, stomach or breasts during pregnancy as the skin stretches beyond its normal capacity.


  • Use a moisturizer to soothe the area although creams and ointments might not prevent or heal stretch marks
  • An oil massage is helpful


Symptoms: Rapid hormonal changes result in perspiring after very little exertion or waking up feeling hot and sweaty. This is also caused by the increased blood flow to the skin during pregnancy.  


  • Drink a lot of liquids
  • Wear loose clothes that are comfortable and made with breathable fabric
  • Open windows for fresh air or stay in air-conditioning to feel comfortable


Symptoms: Extra water and retention of water cause swelling in the ankles, feet, hands or fingers.


  • Put your feet up as often as possible and rest
  • Avoid processed and canned food
  • Avoid using too much table salt
  • Try gentle foot exercises and flex your fingers


Symptoms: A thick white discharge accompanied by severe itching and/or soreness and pain while passing urine


  • Stop using soap if you are feeling sore
  • Avoid vaginal deodorants
  • Use cotton underwear
  • Avoid tight clothes
  • A doctor may  prescribe creams or ointments

Vaginal Discharge

Symptoms: Slight increase in clear discharge without any pain


  • Avoid synthetic soaps
  • Avoid vaginal deodorants
  • Wear a light sanitary pad
  • See your doctor if there is any itching or weird smell

Varicose Veins

Symptoms: The veins in the calves and thighs become painful and swollen.


  • Put up your foot often
  • Raising the foot of your bed may help
  • Use extra pillows under your feet
  • Support tights may help.
  • Exercise your feet


Symptoms: The need to rest and sleep more often which is caused by the extra demands on the body due to pregnancy.


  • Rest as much as possible
  • Practice relaxation techniques and don’t over exert
  • Go to bed early
  • Practice meditation

All the above mentioned pregnancy problems are quite common, these remedies will help you soothe these problems; however, consult your doctor if these problems are persistent over a longer period of time during pregnancy.

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