Symptoms and Triggers for ADHD

Symptoms and triggers for ADHD have to be carefully observed  in children as they are beyond just restlessness and lack of attention. Treatment for children with severe and aggressive ADHD includes medication along with behavioural therapy and examination of diet.

Dr. Bina Nangia (Ph.D. Dyslexia, Therapist & Counsellor) states that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children comes under scrutiny when inattention and restlessness obstructs academic performance . However, she explains that there is a difference between being naughty and being hyperactive and people tend to label children who have low attention span or are naughty, under this condition.

However, ADHD is a medical condition involving problems with concentration, restlessness, and hyperactivity beyond what is generally observed in children. Dr. Bina explains that these symptoms must occur consistently for at least six months before you can contemplate whether your child has ADHD or not.

According to Dr. Bina, ADHD is closely associated with sensory overload, meaning receiving more input from your five senses than your brain can process. For example, if a child with ADHD is taken to the mall, they might scream, jump, and throw tantrums because they are surrounded with distractions. To avoid this, you must keep the child close to you and sensitise the child beforehand by explaining to them that you will take them along only if they remain quiet and peaceful. Secondly, parents need to observe their child’s diet, as consumption of sugary food such as chocolates or cookies can accelerate the problem.

The child’s sensory overload needs to be condensed with sensory integration therapy that involves activities to help a child respond appropriately to light, sound, touch, smells, and other input. Sensory integration therapy is the missing link in the treatment of ADHD that needs to be acknowledged.

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