The Seventh Month

The Seventh Month of Pregnancy
With just three months of pregnancy left, the seventh month marks the beginning of the last trimester. The baby is very active during this period and moves around quite a lot. Babies born in this month and are called premature babies and while they need special care, they can surely survive.
During these final months, the mother gains about 4 kgs, approximately 40 percent of the total pregnancy weight gain.
Changes in the mother
- Red stretch marks may start appearing on the stomach area
- False contractions (known as Braxton Hicks) are sometimes felt around this time and though they are not very painful they can be misleading.
- The mother might experience acidity, indigestion, heartburn and cramps.
- The mother starts feeling large and may bump into things. She may also become forgetful or dream about labour, childbirth and the baby. This may be caused by disturbed sleep or due to the baby’s movements.
- One can notice an increased weight around the thighs, buttocks and the stomach.
- The top of the womb is halfway between the stomach and the navel.
- The veins on the breast may become more noticeable around this time.
Features of the Baby
- Length 14.5 inch
- Weight 1 kg
- The face and body is covered with vernix, which acts as a waterproofing agent.
- The seal over the eyes is gone.
- The hearing is well developed
- The skin is red and wrinkled
- A seven month old infant feels pain and responds exactly like a full term baby
- Fat starts to accumulate under the skin
- Taste buds are more pronounced than they will be at birth
- Lungs have still not reached the stage of maturity
- Around this time if the baby twists and turns the shape of the foot can be seen on the mother’s stomach
- If the father is keen on feeling the baby movements, he can feel the baby move over the mother’s abdomen with his hand
- The baby’s heartbeat can be heard with an ordinary fetal stethoscope.
- If you are a working woman, try to put your feet up as and when possible
- Make sure you get enough rest during the day and sleep early at nights.
- Let the employer know in writing when you intend to take a break and when you will return to work post delivery.
- Make a visit to the antenatal clinic every two weeks from now onwards.
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