
Severe pain in the abdomen caused by wind and suffered especially by babies.

To relive from pain follow these steps:-

  • Lay your baby on their tummy, across your stomach or lap. The change in position may help calm some colicky babies. You can also rub your baby’s back, which is both soothing and may help gas pass through.
  • Consider offering her a pacifier, or encourage baby to suck on her finger by gently putting it in her mouth. Gas does not cause colic, but some colicky babies also suffer from gassiness because they tend to swallow air while crying. Keep baby upright during feedings, and burp him often to try to ease gas pain.
  • A baby who has colic often cries about the same time every day, usually in the late afternoon or evening. Colic episodes may last from a few minutes to three hours or more on any given day.
  • generally recommend starting out with a traditional cow’s-milk formula, such as Enfamil and Similac, which contain a blend of whey and casein proteins. While the majority of infants do fine on these, colicky babies sometimes benefit from a different variety.
  • Walk him in kangaroo-style.
  • Make good vibrations.
  • Swaddle him.
  • Give him a massage.
  • Reduce outside stimulation.

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How to Breast Feed a Baby 

How to Breast Feed a Baby by Famhealth

Mother’s milk is perfect and uniquely made for the growing baby’s needs. Giving Mothers milk makes a big difference to both baby and mothers health.

Good for the mother:

  • Helps womb (uterus) come back normal size and reduces bleeding.
  • It naturally uses up about 500 extra calories a day so mums who breast-feed often find it easier to lose their pregnancy weight.
  • It reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
  • Breast-feeding acts as a natural family planning method.
  • It saves money – formula feeding can cost.

Good for the baby:

  • All Nutrients required for the first six months, Easy digestion.
  • Helps baby pass motion easily.
  • Provides immunity.
  • Readily available, usually sterile. No danger of allergy
  • More convenient, requiring no preparation and costs nothing.
  • Reduces chances of getting some illnesses later in life .
  • Make you closer with your baby.
  • Formula milk is made from cow’s milk and other ingredients: So does not help protect baby from illness and diseases.

First Feed:

  •  A healthy baby has put to the breast half an hr to 1 hr following normal delivery.
  •  Following caesarean delivery, a period of 2 to 3 hrs may be sufficient for the mother to breast feed the baby.

Getting ready for Feeding:

  • You should clean the nipples and breast with cotton soaked in warm water.
  • Wash your hands prior to breast-feeding.
  • You and baby should be in a comfortable position during breast-feeding.

What can provide comfortable environment during feed?

  • You can sit on a chair or bed with back supported so that you will feels comfortable.
  • You could raise the feet or knees, if you needs to but should not bend over the baby.

How you should hold the baby?

  • Wrap the baby in a wrapper.
  •  Support the neck, shoulders and back.
  •  You should hold the baby close to you.
  •  He should be able to tilt his head back easily.
  •  Make sure baby’s head and body in a straight line.
  • If not, the baby might not be able to swallow easily.
  • Hold the baby’s whole body closes with his nose level with the nipple.
  • Baby needs to get a big mouthful of breast from underneath the nipple.
  • Placing your baby with his nose level with your nipple will allow him to reach up and attach to the breast well.
  • Let the baby’s head tip back a little so that his top lip can brush against your nipple. This should help the baby to make a wide-open mouth.
  • When the baby’s mouth opens wide, his chin is able to touch the breast first, with his head tipped back so that his tongue can reach as much breast as possible.
  • With his chin firmly touching and his nose clear, his mouth is wide open and there will be much more of the darker skin visible above the top lip than below his bottom lip. The baby’s cheeks will look full and rounded as they feed.

Nipple feeding is wrong:

  • When the baby isn’t correctly attached and just sucks the nipple, you feel feeding is painful, the nipples can get damaged, and the baby won’t be able to get enough milk.
  • Baby will not be satisfied
  • Milk production reduces
  • Cracked nipples may happen.
  • If baby is not attached correctly, stop avoids pulling him off your breast. Instead, break the attachment by inserting your little finger into the corner of her mouth, between her gums. Gently take her off the breast. Then make the latching perfect and start feeding.

How to make the baby burp

  • When babies suckle they swallow air, which can make them uncomfortable.
  • Burping is a process by which you can help a baby bring this air up and feel comfortable.
  • First spread a cloth (burp cloth) on your shoulder
  • Hold the baby on your shoulder or chest and rub its back
  • You can also or rub baby’s back while the baby sits or lies on your lap.
  • These positions will also help comfort a restless baby or a baby that cries more than usual.

Usually you will hear a burp noise.It is normal for babies to bring up some fluids when they burp.

If you put the baby to sleep without burping   they may vomit and that may enter the lungs causing difficulty in breathing.

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Comforting a Crying Baby

Comforting a Crying Baby by Famhealth

Comforting a Crying Baby by Famhealth

Babies have crying bouts throughout the first year as this is their only means of communicating for food and comfort.

When your baby cries, your first instinct will be to pick them up. While there have been conflicting views on this topic, let your instinct guide you and do not be afraid of spoiling the baby.

Your baby is new to the world and needs to know that you are reliable and always available. However, if you feel that your baby is crying a lot and that it is making you lose patience or get over tired, get in touch with other mothers, self help and support groups or voluntary organizations which can help you find ways to cope. Let’s explore reasons why the baby may cry and what solutions are available to you.

Why Your Baby May Be Crying

If the crying sounds pitiful or different from normal, the baby may be unwell or a blocked nose could be the cause of the problem. Other possible reasons may be:

  • Nappy rash or sore bottom
  • Colic
  • Being too hot or too cold
  • During the process of bathing or dressing etc
  • Your own bad mood may cause your baby to react with crying bouts.
  • Too much fussing may be upsetting the baby

Ways to Pacify a Crying Baby

  • If you fear your baby may be ill, do not hesitate to call a doctor as he may prescribe some remedies such nasal drops to help the baby breathe better and thus calm down
  • If the baby has a sore bottom, take the nappy off and clean the bottom thoroughly. You may leave off the nappy for the rest of the day.
  • If your baby is suffering from colic, try not to resort to medications at first and soothe the baby by rocking or take the baby out for a walk around the block.
  • Avoid over heating or over chilling the baby’s room. The ideal room temperature for the baby is what is comfortable for lightly clothed adults.
  • The baby may be hungry or thirsty so offer a feed or water
  • The baby may need attention through a cuddle or may have gas that is relieved by rocking rhythmically in your arms or in a rocking chair
  • Wrap the baby firmly in a shawl, tucking the ends to make a bundle. This process called a ‘swaddle’ makes a baby feel safe and secure.
  • Another way to calm the baby is by gently patting the tummy or back to calm them or to relieve gas in the tummy.
  • A pacifier or something to suck ,which is sterilized properly is another common remedy
  • Babies love bright colorful things so distracting them with a picture book, a mirror or a new toy may also work.

Crying is a normal process, which all babies show. However, ask your health care provider if your child is showing continuous bouts of crying in spite of all your efforts. Doctor can perform an examination which can depict some medical condition which you might not be able to figure it out.

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